So on a Wednesday after getting home from work, there were sirens and the sound of some musical noise, not knowing or caring to pay attention, Timberlyn comes running into the house screaming"the ice cream truck is outside, I need money for me and Draydyn"
OK and the one day that the ice cream truck does come I had already spent all my cash that I had to pick up something for mt friend Jessica for bunco that night.
Not wanting to hurt her feelings or piss her off, if you know Timberlyn pissing her off is not an hard thing to do, so I thought were is some change at so that I don;t have to dig in the change bucket, I remembered I had a stash of quarters; that I had been saving of the new state quarters so I dug into them kicking myself in the you know what the whole time but when I saw how happy that ice cream made them then it wasn't so bad after all.